Meet Our Team

Welcome to the Corgg Studio staff room! Here you will find profiles on all
of our dedicated personnel working to bring an awesome game to fruition.
David Cohn

David Cohn

Project Manager, Creative Director, Chief Editor

David  (he / him) leads and founded the Corgg project, provides strategic and creative direction, organizes content, contributes heavily to and finalizes editing, and handles HR / recruiting endeavors.

Casey Lemmons

Assistant Manager, Narrative Designer

Casey (she / her) acts as Assistant Manager, heavily contributes to writing / editing, designing, world building, creative feedback, and assisting with human relations.

Cassandra Watts

Cassandra Watts

Associate Producer, Assistant Manager

Cassandra (She/Her) is an Associate Producer and Manager. She ensures the project stays on task, helps with HR matters and provides creative feedback. Her accolades include working on Call of Duty Vanguard’s 4th & 5th live seasons and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

Prateek Chakraborty

Prateek Chakraborty

Narrative Designer, Editor, Assistant Manager (Game Design)

Prateek (he / him) contributes heavily to writing / editing, designing, world building, and game mechanics / statistics.

Adelle Thompson

Adelle Thompson

Narrative Designer

Adelle (she / her) is a narrative designer responsible for leading the main story arc. Her involvement thoroughly contributes towards areas such as branching narratives, quest writing and lore integration

Bee Hickey

Bee Hickey

Lead concept artist, lead cartographer, lead analog artist, watercolorist, world builder, editing advisor, user experience consultant

Bee (they / them) engineered the world of Corgg map in watercolor, and generates raw conceptual portfolio to direct other artists. Content includes design of animal phylum, armor, weapons, monsters, cultures, and ecosystems.

Mike Heuer

Mike Heuer

Lead UI / UX designer and Unity developer / architect

Mike (he / him) designs the UI / UX elements and prototypes, architects, and otherwise leads the construction of the Unity project.

David Mandrella

David Mandrella

Unity Developer

David (he / him) joined the team recently to propel the game framework and brings a lot of experience with systems design. David designs, develops, and architects the Unity solution and contributes to gameplay discussions.

Swami Gattas

Swami Gattas

UI / UX designer and Unity developer

Swami (he / him) is a game designer, developer, and walking console games encyclopedia. He is the resident usability and screen real estate usage specialist. 

Scott Baucan

Scott Baucan

Rigged Animation Developer

Scott (he / him) contributes rigged animations aimed principally at combat.  Scott brings the 2d static illustrations of creatures to life by producing versions as rigged animations.

Andy Bayo

Andy Bayo

Lead digital artist and animator

Andy (he / him) is a digital artist, colorist and animator that has designed all of the icons and brought the game to life with color and animation to the user interface and city maps.

Chris Wood

Chris Wood

2D Digital Artist

Chris (he / him) creates illustrations of characters, creatures and more from the descriptions and concepts provided by the team (in addition to his own),.  Chris grasps the ideas and concepts presented by the team and breathes life into the world of Corgg.

DEC Art Studio

2d Digital Artist

Dec-Art is an Italy based art studio that is illustrating all of our street maps and some full cities. 

Ruben Pesqueira Souto

Rubén Pesqueira Souto

2d Digital Artist

Rubén (he / him)  functions as a commission-based digital illustrator, contributing (primarily) humanoid, weapon, and armor illustrations.

Want to be one of the smiling faces you see above? We are always looking for more talented artists, writers and developers! Check out our Join Our Team page for more information about how you can join our team!